Thursday, March 23, 2017

Our Last Blog Update

Greetings small group leaders,

It is not possible to overstate how important your role is to Springbrook for accomplishing our vision to Reach & Build Passionate Followers of Jesus Christ. In fact, I would go as far to say that it can't be accomplished without you!

Small groups are our front line pastoral care. Small groups are where our vision and mission come together. Small groups are where relationships are forged and grow, and where disciple really happens. Thank you so much for your faithfulness and leadership, and willingness to open your home!

This blog has been a resource and the landing page for our small group leaders after they have completed their meeting reports for 8 years. The intent was communication, training and keeping our small group leaders up-to-date.  I have never received feedback, and it takes time to keep it relevant. Maintenance has been an issue for me as my responsibilities and our church culture havechanged over the years, and so now the time has come to make a needed change.

Rather than maintaining this blog, I will be focusing my time an attention on our Springbrook Church app.  If you have not yet downloaded our app, you will need to do that immediately!  Download the app, setup your account, familiarize yourself with the menus, and begin to share it with your group!

The landing page after you complete your meeting reports will soon take you to our main webpage, and I will be interacting with you from our app moving forward. Click the Small Group / Leader Resources page in the app to find this content and more moving forward. If you haven any small group questions, or questions about our app, please contact me as soon as possible!

Follow this link for more information about our Springbrook Church app, or select the app for your platform below.  Thank you for all you do, and count on my continued prayers for you and your small group!

On the journey together,

Pastor Rich

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Now Live It Out!

I don't know about you, but I thoroughly enjoyed our Life on Mission study this fall!  Many of you have just finished as well or are coming up to the end, and I wanted to share two thoughts with you.

I know this was a great study and that the lessons, if applied, will be life transforming. Please look for practical steps to put what was learned into practice in your life, and encourage your group to do the same. If everyone will look for just one person to come alongside to build a relationship for spiritual conversations, can you image the impact? Let make that our prayer!

I also wanted to remind you that any conversations you have regarding next steps or a next study need to be discussed with your coach or myself before you make any decisions with your group. I found a list of 30 million Bible studies on Google, and you need to pick 1 for your group.  Accurately access where you and your group are spiritually, and then prayerfully and in conversation with your coach, select one that will purposefully move your group toward our picture of a disciple!

Our winter small group trimester open enrollment will formally kick-off on January 15th, with group ready to start their study after the 22nd. Enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas, let's be in prayer together as we come to the close of 2016 and prepare for 2017.  Thank you for your leadership and investment in your small group.


Pastor Rich