Utilizing the Great Commandments and the Great Commission given to us by Jesus in Matthew chapters 22 and 28, we have five (5) values that lay the foundation for our small groups. Which value is most important? All the values are important! I hope you know them, but they are Worship, Ministry, Evangelism, Fellowship and Discipleship. If you are leading a small group at Springbrook, you not only need to know these five values, you and your small group should be working to live them out!
Small groups best provide the optimal environment for the life-change Jesus intends for every believer, and it is is our desire to see everyone at Springbrook connected to a small group and growing toward Christ-likeness! I pray that each of you, as small group hosts and leaders, share that desire!There are different kinds of groups, but at the core of our values, there some essential ingredients of life-change that we should expect to see in every group. In fact, small group expert Mark Howell wrote a great post on this very issue. Please take a moment to reflect on our five values and then be sure to check out Mark's link on essentials of life-change. Be sure to jot down a few notes, and then talk about them with your coach during your next meeting!
As always, count on my continued prayers for you and your group, and feel free to post any comments, questions or ideas here!
On the journey together,
Pastor Rich
Great analogy - I love inviting people who have never seen a small group in action into a group and watch their hearts soften when they see it's not a social 'book club' or coffee clutch - one such lady came today to our group and commented 'I know I'm a little late to the 'party', but I'm so glad I came.'
Thank you for sharing Emily, and great job having and working on the empty chair! Praying for you and looking forward to what God has for your group.
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